目的 :寻找一种最佳的皮肤软组织扩张新方法。方法 :实验分联合法 (将术中即时循环过量扩张与术后快速循环过量扩张相结合的扩张方法 )和常规扩张法 (按传统的常规扩张方法 )。各实验组在检测囊内压的情况下定期扩张 ,于每次扩张前观察囊内压的改变及扩张毕扩张器容量的变化 ,将联合法应用于临床 ,并与常规法比较。结果 :①两组扩张总容量间差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。②与常规扩张组比较 ,联合扩张组耳部、头部扩张疼痛计分明显降低 (P <0 .0 1及P <0 .0 5 )。③与常规扩张组比较 ,联合扩张组耳部、头部扩张后疼痛持续时间明显降低(P <0 .0 1及P <0 .0 5 )。临床应用联合扩张方法 4 2例和常规扩张方法 4 0例 ,证明前者明显优越于后者。结论 :联合性快速皮肤扩张法在缩短扩张时间的情况下 ,仍能安全有效的扩张 ,且对扩张皮肤结构无明显损害 。
Objective: To find out a new better method of skin and soft tissue expansion. Methods: combined expansion and common expansion (namely traditional expanding method)were used. The combined expansion method was divided into intraoperative immediate overload expansion and postoperative rapid circulative overload expansion. In each experiment group regular expansion was carried out with monitoring intralumial pressure. In the clinical application,42 cases were performed by combined expansion and 40 cases were performed by common expansion. The change of intralumial pressure before expansion and that of expander's capacity after expansion were observed. Clinical application of combined expansion were preformed and compared with common expansion. Results: ① There was no significant difference in the total expanding capacity of two group(P>0.05). ② Using combined expansion in the ear and head, the count score of pain was less than that in common expansion group(P<0.01 and P<0.05). ③ The time of pain was shorter when using combined expansion to expand skin and soft tissue of the ear and head (P<0.01 and P<0.05). The result indicated that the combined method was better than the common method. Conclusion: The expansion can be safe and effective in less time with combined expansion. It is a new better method of expansion clinical application.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University