随着旅游业的快速发展 ,一些具备实力的民营企业开始投资开发大型旅游景区 ,并且主要以获得景区经营权的方式入主景区 ,由于国家对此尚未出台相关法律法规 ,同时资本的逐利性使投资者过分注重眼前利益 ,而忽略对资源的长远维护 ,使民营企业获得经营权投资开发景区遭到质疑。本文主要对近几年民营企业开发旅游景区的现状进行了深入分析 ,对其可行性以及可能出现的问题进行理论探讨 。
With the rapid development of tourism industry,some powerful private\|owned enterprises have begun to invest in developing large\|scale tourism areas,mainly gaining operational rights with the access of main scenic spots.As the authorities have not issued relevant laws and regulations and the profit\|making ideas have made these enterprises set eyes on short\|term interests and ignore the long\|term protection of tourism resources.This has resulted in some doubts and debates in terms of the development and investment by state\|owned enterprises.\;This paper makes an in\|depth analysis of the present state of the private\|owned enterprises developing tourism areas and makes a theoretical discussion about its feasibility and problems that may occur.Corresponding proposals are also offered in this paper on its future developing trends.
Tourism Tribune