BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE:It has been shown that neurotrophic factors such as nerve g rowth factor (NGF ),brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),and neurotrophin(NT-3/4)are synthesized in a variety of cells inside and outside t he nervous system.These factors are not only able to promote neural survival,pro liferation and apoptosis of neural c ells but also relevant to the activity of neur al invasion of tumors.It has not been reported to date whether BDNF may play roles in the biolog ical behavior of human lung cancer cells.The aim of this experim ent was to investig ate the effect of B DNF on hydrog en peroxide (H2O2)-induced apoptosis in the human lung cancer cell line YTMLC-90.METHODS :The minig ene pSVCEPBFCAT containin g the promoter and enhancer elements of the human a1(I)collag en g ene(COLIA1)at its 3' terminus followed by hBDNF g ene cDNA was transfected and derived BDNF ectopic expression in the human lung cancer cells.The cell proliferatio n was measured by MTT assay.The morpholog ical and ultra-structural chang es o f apoptotic cells were observed by mic roscopy with fluorescent stain of ac ridine orang e and electron microscopy.The DNA frag mentation was examined by ag arose g el electrophoresis.RESULTS :After exposure of g rowing cells to 200μmol /L H 2 O 2 for 24hours ,the inhibition rate of c ell g rowth was 30%in the pSVCEPBFCAT-transfected YTMLC-90,84.60%in controls of non-transfected YTMLC-90,and 80.00%in pSVCEPCAT-transfected YTMLC-90,respectively(P<0.001).The morpholog ical and biochemical chang es of apoptotic cells such as shrinkag e of cytoplasm and nu cleus ,frag mentation of the chromatin,and ladder pattern of DNA were common ly observed in the cell population of controls ,but these apoptotic featu res were not discovered in the pSVCEPBFCAT-transfected YTMLC-90.CONCLUSION:BDNF markedly inhibits H 2 O 2 cytotoxicity on human lung cancer cell YTMLC-90by promoting YTMLC-90proliferation and antag onizing H 2 O 2 -induced apoptosis.
Chinese Journal of Cancer