BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE:LRRC4is a novel g ene that the author has identified recently,whi ch displayed sig nificant downreg ul ation in primary brain tumor biopsies.This s tudy was desig ned to investig ate if LRRC4has the potential of suppressing bra in tumor g rowth.METHODS :The full-leng th coding reg ion of LRRC4g ene was subcl oned into the expression vector pcDNA3.1,the recombinant was intro duced into the g lioblastoma cell lin e U251by liposome transfection,and the U251cells stably expressing LRRC4g en e were established by G418selection.Furthermore,cell proliferation as say,soft ag ar assay,tumorig enesis assay wer e taken to examine the effect of LRRC4expression on cell g rowth and tumor f ormation.RESULTS :U251cells stably expressing full-leng th coding reg i on of LRRC4were established by lipofection-mediated transfectio n and selected for further study.Com pared with the nontransfected and vector-transfected cells ,the cells transfecte d with LRRC4cDNA exhibited a sig nificant increa se of expression of LRRC4mRNA by Northern blot analysis.Further,when cell pr oliferation was followed over sever al days ,the cells expressing the transfected LR RC4cDNA g rew more slowly than nontransfected cells.Consistently,the cells transfected with LRRC4e xhibited markedly lower colony formation rat e.These clones were injected into at hymic nude mice who was killed after 40days and the tumor sizes were evaluated.Tumor volume in mice was sig nificant ly smaller in the g roup of cells stabl y transfected with LRRC4cDNA than in t he control.CONCLUSION:LRRC4g ene may be transfected into the human g li oblastoma cell line U251.The expres sion of LRRC4in U251cells may have the poten tial to suppress tumor cell g rowth and the tumorig enesis of U251cell trans planted in nude mice.
Chinese Journal of Cancer