目的 :探讨放化疗综合治疗对中晚期食管癌的治疗作用。方法:将 4 8例中晚期食管癌病人随机分为综合组和单放组各 2 4例。综合组在放疗前和放疗初进行 2个周期 PFP方案化疗 ,两组病人均常规放疗 ,总剂量 6 5Gy。结果:(1)两组病人治疗结束时食道钡餐片评价差别无统计学意义。 (2 )综合组放射性食管炎毒性反应较单放组发生率高且严重。 (3)综合组和单放组 1、2、3、4年生存率分别为 5 8.3%、4 1.7%、2 9.2 %、2 5 .0 %和 5 4 .8%、2 9.2 %、2 5 .0 %、2 0 .8% ,两组生存情况经 log- rank检验差别无统计学意义。 (4)综合组和治疗组死于局部复发、未能增加局部控制率 (未控率 )和远处转移率分别是 5 4 .2 %、16 .7%和 5 0 .0 %、2 5 .0 %。 结论:综合治疗未能提高中晚期食管癌的近期疗效和远期疗效 ,未能增加肿瘤局控率和减少远处转移 。
Objective: To investigate the role of chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of middle late stage esophageal carcinoma. Methods: 48 patients were divided into combined treatment group (n=24) and single radiotherapy group (n=24); two courses of chemotherapy with PFP regimen were received before and at the beginning of radiotherapy in the former group and total dose of 65Gy were given to both groups. Results: (1) No statistical difference showed at the end of treatment in 2 groups evaluated by the X ray films of the esophageal tract. (2) The incidence of the acute toxic esophagcal reaction in combined modality is severer than that in radiotherapy alone. (3) The total 1 、2 、3 、4 year survival rates were 52.1%, 35.4%, 27.1%, 22.9% and 58.3%、41.7%、29.2%、25.0% in the combined treatment group,and 54.8%、29.2%、25.0%、20.8% in the single radiotherapy group.No statistical difference showed between the 2 groups by log rank test. (4) Death from recurrence, uncontrol in local site and remote metastasis was 54.2%、16.7% and 50.0%、25.0%, respectively. Conclusions: No obvious benefit to the local control and remote metastasis on the short and long period was found in the combined group, but it showed the greater severity and high ratio on the esophagitis caused by chemoradiotherapy.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
middle late stage esophageal carcinoma
single radiotherapy