Flash动画以其强大的表现力和小巧的体积成为网络动画的首选软件。特别是脚本语言ActionScript 3.0版本功能的增强,使Flash表现出了强大的交互性,用户由单纯的观看欣赏动画逐步过渡到体验动画中。可以借助设计环境制作绚丽的动画效果,也可以改制成一个完整的Web站点,甚至完成一个丰富网络应用(Rich Internet Application,RIA)项目。本文以ActionScript 3.0脚本为切入点,介绍其在Flash动画设计与制作带来的巨大优势,并引入具体案例来加以说明其区别于传统Flash动画之处,领略其独特魅力。
Flash animation with its powerful expressive and compact size to become the network of choice for animation software. In particular scripting language ActionScript 3.0 version features enhanced, making Flash showed a strong interaction, the user enjoy the animation by simply viewing experience a gradual transition to animation. With the design environment can produce brilliant animation can also be converted into a complete Web site, or even complete a rich network applications (Rich Internet Application, RIA) projects. In this paper, ActionScript 3.0 scripting as an entry point to introduce it in Flash animation design and production of the enormous advantages, and the introduction of specific cases to illustrate its place is different from traditional Flash animation, a taste of its unique charm.