针对液压伺服系统阻尼比较低 ,导致高精度压力控制系统超调严重的问题 ,论文提出了通过进油和回油节流协同调节提高系统阻尼的原理 ,并进行了相应的理论分析。在此基础上 ,进一步提出了压力 -位置分段控制策略 ,以兼顾压力飞升过程的快速性和活塞上浮过程的平稳性。仿真和试验均表明 。
Low damping ratio of hydraulic servo control system leads to serious overshoot in high-accuracy pressure control system. In this paper, a meter-in and meter-out coordinated regulating principle is put forward to increase its damping ratio, and the model is analyzed. Based on this principle, a pressure-position staging control algorithm is applied to improve the speediness in pressure elevation stage and the steadiness in piston floating stage. Simulations and experiments show that the pressure overshoot could be avoided considerably after the coordinated regulating principle and staging control algorithm are applied.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics