提出以纸色谱法对食品中的苯甲酸钠和山梨酸钾进行分离 ,以液相色谱定性、定量其结果。方法简便、快速、准确。
It was proved that in the HPLC determination of benzoate and sorbate in foodstuffs, preliminary separation of these two compound from other co-existing and interfering compound was necessary, and that the separation by paper chromatography was the most feasible way. Ether was used as developer in paper chromatography. The yellow colored band on the filter paper was cut down and placed into a 5ml centrifugal tube. The benzoate and sorbate on the paper was dissolved in a small amount of solvent and reday for identification and determination by HPLC. The HPLC conditions were described as follows: Column: μ-Bondapak C_ 18 (3.9mm×30mm, 10μm); Mobile phase: 0.02mol·L -1 NH_4OAc solń+methanol(95+5); Sampling volume: 20μl. The proposed method was proved to be more convenient, accurate and precise than the solvent extraction-HPLC method.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)