2 0世纪 70年代 ,伊拉克作为一个地区大国在海湾崛起 ,正值伊朗伊斯兰革命爆发。美国先是对伊朗革命进行仇视宣传 ,诱导萨达姆发动对伊朗的战争 ,而后在战争中扶弱抑强 ,借机“渔翁得利”。接着 ,美国又诱导伊拉克侵略科威特 ,借此对其进行打击 ,以便把这一阿拉伯核心国家扼杀在萌芽状态 ,从而达到美国变海湾为自己内湖的目的。最终的结局将是小布什来圆霍梅尼的梦 。
In 1970s, as a big regional country, Iraq rose in the gulf region.At the same time, Iran Islamic Revolution broke out.Firstly, the United States slandered it and resulted in the impression,as a result,Iran was defenseless in Sadam's mind. So he launched war to Iran. Secondly, the U.S. supported the weak and suppressed the strong in the war in order to lengthen the war and make profit. Then U.S. misled Iraq to invade Kuwait and attack Iraq by all means in order to destroy the Arabian core nation and change the Persian Gulf into its inner lake.The final endseemed unexpected :to American, Little Bush makes Khomerni's dreams become true and another new modern and political system on the traditional foundation will be set up.
Journal of Chang'an University(Social Science Edition)