小波变换由于同时在时间域和频率域具有良好的局部化性质 ,且具有很强的处理非平稳过程的能力 ,因此广泛地应用于许多领域。对小波变换在结构健康诊断中的应用进行了分析 .作为一个具体应用 ,根据一木结构的振动台试验数据 。
Wavelet analysis is recently getting utilized in many fields due to its ability to deal with the signal both in time and frequency domains, especially for the merit that it can deal with the non stationary signals perfectly. The application of wavelet analysis to structural health monitoring is studied, and as an example, a wavelet analysis of a two story wooden building based on its experimental data obtained from the shaking table test is conducted.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology