作者回顾了建国以来上海卫生改革与发展的历程、近 1 0年上海在构建卫生体系、改革卫生机构内部运行机制、实施总量控制结构调整、完善医疗保障体制等方面的主要卫生改革与发展的成绩及目前存在的问题。
The authors review the history of the health reform and development in Shanghai after the country’s liberation,review the health reform in Shanghai in recent 10 years in the areas of restructuring the health system,reforming health institutes’ internal operational mechanism,fulfilling the control of total medical care expenditure and adjustment of the medical care expenditure structure and improving the medical care insurance system,and review the achievements and current existing issues in the health care sector in Shanghai.
Chinese Health Resources