现场监测是保证边坡等岩土工程安全的重要措施之一 ,也是岩土工程设计、施工和运行的重要组成部分。通过对某边坡工程的现场调查 ,根据边坡监测原则和工程类比的思想 ,确定了现场监测的项目、监测仪器的埋设等工作。经过一年多的现场监测 ,得到了丰富的数据资料 ,在此基础上进行了分析研究 ,得出如下结论 :边坡的开挖放炮对该边坡的表部和深部位移有一定的影响 ,边坡卸荷影响带大致在 2 .5m范围内 ;山体深部位受到温度的强烈影响 ;
Inspection in-situ is very important to ensure geotechnic engineering such slope, andits effect exists on design,construction and running of these engineering.According to investigation in-situ,the rule of slope inspection and engineering analogism,inspection and data have gotten,and some analysis has done,then some conclusions are drawn as follows.Excavation and explosion have effect on the displacement(surface and deep-seated)of slope in some degree,unloaded zone is less than 2.5 meters,and the chanage of temperature has large effects on the deep-seated displacement slope.The slope has good stability.
Northeastern Highway