利用三室隔网系统 ,在施磷水平为 0、 5 0和 10 0mg/kg条件下研究了接种美味牛肝菌 (Boletusedulis)和褐环乳牛肝菌 (Suillusluteus)对板栗生长及养分吸收的影响。两种真菌的根外菌丝对板栗体内总磷量的贡献分别为 39%~ 5 4%和 15 %~ 35 %,表明在土壤肥力贫瘠的板栗产区菌根真菌对板栗的正常生长具有极其重要的作用 ;两种外生菌丝扩大了根系吸磷范围 ,同时具有通过降低pH活化土壤难溶性磷的能力 ;增加适量无机养分能促进菌丝生长。
In order to understand the the effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth and phosphorus nutrition status of chestnut seedlings, experiment using three-compartment mesh boxes were carried out under controlled conditions.Two chestnut seedlings were transplanted in the central compartment and inoculated with two ectomycorrhizal fungi Boletus edulis or Suillus luteus or not inoculated.The result showed that the contribution of extraradical mycellium to the total uptake of P in plant were 39%-54% in Boletus edulis and 15%-35% in Suillus luteus.Comparing with noninoculated treatment, inoculating with both fungi decreased Olsen-P and pH of soil in hyphae compartment, which indicates that both fungi are able to mobilize phosphates that are scarcely-soluble and low availability in the soil. It is concluded that both ectomycorrhizal fungi play crucial role for P nutrition and the growth of chestnut.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
国家自然科学基金项目 (39970 139)
北京市重点基金项目 (6 982 0 0 9)