
干热河谷豆科树种结瘤调查及其影响因子 被引量:1

Nodulation Status of Legume Trees in the Dry-hot Valley and the Infection Factors
摘要 在金沙江干热河谷地带野外调查了15种豆科树种及其结瘤状况,并对其生长地的土壤进行了相关的分析。结果发现:各豆科树种不仅在不同地段其结瘤状况不同,即使是生长在同一地段的植物,其根瘤在数量、形状、大小、颜色等方面都有各自的特点。其中有9种豆科树种有结瘤,且结瘤量不高且无效、呈空壳状的根瘤占多数。将根瘤进行分离、纯化,经回接鉴定得到18个根瘤菌菌株的纯培养。对干热河谷的15份豆科树种生长地的土壤样品分析表明:在结瘤的豆科树种中,其土壤的酸碱度多呈中性,为壤土,土壤的有机质含量较高,而水解性氮(0.1232~0.3116mg/kg)、速效磷(0.0027~0.1222mg/kg)、速效钾(2.4275~0.1408mg/kg)的含量有明显的不同。研究认为在干热河谷的特殊生态条件下,豆科树种的结瘤固氮受到温度、土壤因子、生态环境等多因子的综合影响。 Legume species and their nodulations in the wild in dry-hot valley were survered, soils physicalchemical characters were analyzed. 15 species of Legumes trees were examined of nodulation in the dry-hot valley. Among them, each leguminous root nodule showed its own nature in different places, even in the same place; the root nodule exhibited its own characteristics, such as quantity, shape, size and color. There were 9 Legume plants with nodules. But the nodulation-rate was low and a high proportion of these root nodules were non-infected and shrunken. 18 strains of root nodule bacteria from the trees were isolated through the isolation, purification and identification. 15 soils were analyzed from the dry-hot valley. The experiment showed that the nodulation legume trees growed in the loam soil with neutral pH and had significant higher content of soil organic matter, and had clearly differences in N(0. 123 2-0. 311 6 mg·kg^-1), P(0. 002 7-0. 122 2 mg · kg^-1), and K(2. 427 5-0. 140 8 mg·kg^-1). So, in the dry-hot valley, all kinds of special environment conditions infected the nodulation of the legumes trees, such as temperature, ecology condition, soil, soil organic matter, and the content of available N, P, and K.
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期28-33,共6页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 云南省自然科学基金(2003C0051M) 云南省重点学科建设项目-森林培育学 云南省省院省校合作项目-森林培育学
关键词 金少江 干热河谷 豆科树种 根瘤 土壤 Jinshajiang rive dry-hot valley Legume root nodule soil
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