In this paper we formulate a bi-criteria search strategy of a heuristic learning algorithm for solving multiple resource-constrained project scheduling problems. The heuristic solves problems in two phases. In the pre-processing phase, the algorithm estimates distance between a state and the goal state and measures complexity of problem instances. In the search phase, the algorithm uses estimates of the pre-processing phase to further estimate distances to the goal state. The search continues in a stepwise generation of a series of intermediate states through search path evaluation process with backtracking. Developments of intermediate states are exclusively based on a bi-criteria new state selection technique where we consider resource utilization and duration estimate to the goal state. We also propose a variable weighting technique based on initial problem complexity measures. Introducing this technique allows the algorithm to efficiently solve complex project scheduling problems. A numerical example illustrates the algorithm and performance is evaluated by extensive experimentation with various problem parameters. Computational results indicate significance of the algorithm in terms of solution quality and computational performance.