报道了对称六齿配体N ,N ,N’ ,N’ ,-四 (2’ -苯并咪唑甲基 )乙二胺 (EDTB)的含镍(II)配合物 [Ni(EDTB) ](NO3 ) 2 ·2C2 H5OH·H2 O的合成、表征及其对尿素水解的影响。根据配合物元素分析、摩尔电导、紫外—可见红外、ESR谱和循环伏安等性质与已测X—射线单晶结构的同种配体含铜 (Ⅱ )单核配合物比较 ,推测此配合物中的Ni(II)离子被配体EDTB的 4个苯并咪唑 (Bzim)氮和 2个烷胺氮配位 ,形成一种畸变八面体几何构型。并用气相色谱法观测了此配合物对尿素水解反应的影响 ,结果表明它几乎无催化尿素水解的活性 。
This paper reports the synthesis and characterization of the nickel-containing complex with a symmetric sixadentate ligand N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2'-benzimidazolylmethyl)-1, 2-ethanediamine (EDTB),(NO 3) 2·2C 2H 5OH·H 2O,as well as its effect on the hydrolysis of urea. Based on the elemental analysis, molar conductivities, infrared(IR), ultraviolet and visible(UV-Vis), electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra and cyclic voltammetry (CV) and compared it to those of copper-containing mononuclear complexes whose crystal structures were determinated, it suggests that the molecular structures of the coordination compound is a highly distorted octahedron in which the nickel(Ⅱ) ion is coordinated by four bemimidazolyl nitrogen atoms and two aliphatic amine nitrogen atoms from the Ligand EDTB. The coordination of the model compound is too saturated and stable to have catalytic activities for the hydrolysis of urea,which is studied by gas_chromatogram.
Journal of Qingdao University(Natural Science Edition)
湖北省教育厅重点科研基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2A0 0 0 11)