对滚动轴承车辆进行溜放阻力测试 ,是驼峰研究、工程设计、自动化系统研究、控制设备研制等方面的迫切需要 ,通过课题组研制出的多点测速系统及配套的数据采集和分析软件 ,取得了大批可靠数据 ,对这些数据进行分组统计回归后 ,提出了新的滚动轴承车辆溜放阻力计算公式。
It is an urgent need in hump research, engineering design,research of automation system,development of controlling equipment and so on for testing of running resistance of rolling bearing wagons. Through multipoint points velocity measurement system and its complement software of data collection and analysis, a large number of reliable datas are obtained. After returning from the statistics in group for these datas, this paper put forward computing formula of running resistance for rolling bearing wagons.
Retarders & Speed Control Technology