
生产能力无限时逢低买入与固定价格机制的比较 被引量:8

The Comparison of Group-buying Auction and Fixed-pricing Mechanism with Infinite Supply
摘要 逢低买入是一种新型的基于网络的动态价格机制,它通过联合单个消费者形成规模来获得价格折扣。作为双向拍卖的一种变体,逢低买入的适用条件是亟待研究的问题。本文通过研究存在规模效应的前提下,当商家能够完全满足消费者的需求时,采用逢低买入拍卖所能获得的收益情况,证明了在这种情况下逢低买入将会绝对优于固定价格机制,从而表明逢低买入适用于这种环境。 Group-buying auction is a new kind of dynamic pricing mechanisms on the InternetThis mechanism makes the bidders as a group through Internet to get the volume discountsAs a variant of double auction,what condition Group-buying suits is not clear and is valuable to studyThis paper analyzed the seller's profit for the group-buying auction when the economies of scale are considered,and proved that the group-buying auction will overmatch the fixed-pricing mechanism if the seller can always satisfy the bidders' demand,which provides the Group-buying auction a suitable point
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 2003年第3期11-17,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(79825102) 教育部人文社会科学研究基地重大项目 清华大学经管学院基础研究基金资助
关键词 动态价格机制 逢低买入 网上拍卖 固定价格机制 dynamic pricing mechanism group-buying online auction fixed-pricing mechaism
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