城市的诞生是人类文明的一个革命性标志。但城市从诞生起便充斥着各种矛盾 ,因而城市文明的历史就是文明的悖论史。城市文明悖论在不同历史阶段 ,有不同的表现形式。在某种意义上 ,城市文明悖论是人性冲突的一种表征 ,其社会根源在于资本主义制度。城市文明悖论消解的主要途径 ,就是要消灭城乡对立和城乡差别 ,而这一点只有在生产资料公有制的基础上才能实现。
The birth of cities is a revolutionary landmark of human civilization. But as early as they came into being, they are full of contradictions, so urban civilization is a paradox history of civilization. Paradox of urban civilization in different stages manifests in varied ways. In some sense, the paradox is a representation of human conflicts, rooted in capitalism. To slake the contradictions, the gap and antagonism between rural and urban areas must be rooted out. And this is no way out if not done on basis of public ownership of means of production.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University
1999年国家社会科学基金项目<建设现代化文明城市的理论与实践>( 99BSH0 2 3 )