基准电压源 (或基准电流源 )在CMOS模拟电路中被非常广泛地采用 ,因其在一定的温度范围内随温度的变化很小。本文介绍一种新型的CMOS基准电压产生器 ,采用CSMC6 0工艺和5 0V的工作电压 ,在 - 10℃到 +85℃的温度范围内 ,它能够产生约为 95 8± 3 5mV的基准电压 ,而且此基准电压在低频时的电源噪声抑制比PSRR达 15 5dB 。
The voltage references (or current references) have been used in CMOS analog circuits widelv,because they vary very little with temperature in some degrees.In this paper,a new-style CMOS voltage reference generator is introduced.The process of CSMC60 is used. Its operating voltage is 5 0V. It can generate voltage reference of 958±3 5mV at the temperatures between -10℃ and +85℃,and its PSRR gets to 155dB at the low frequencies.So it can provide steady operating voltage for the integrated circuits of the medium and low power consumption.
Microelectronic Technology