传统唯物主义认为 ,世界的本原是物质 ,物质是第一性的 ,意识是第二性的。对此 ,它提出了两个证明 ,即本体论证明和认识论证明。传统唯物主义的本体论证明从逻辑上说是犯了偷换概念和“推不出”的错误 ;从哲学本体论的角度说则陷于了把物质与意识看做是各自独立的、孤立的存在的二元对立的窠臼。当今中国哲学的发展出路在于冲破传统唯物主义哲学的樊篱。
Traditional materialism believes that the origin of the world is the matter and the matter is primary, while the idea is secondary. On the ground of this, it gives out two proofs, the ontology proof and epistemology proof. The ontology proof admits that the idea is produced by the matter at its high development stage, or the matters highest result is at its high development stage. Ontological view is easy to fall into the error of duality contradiction of separating the matter and idea as absolute and isolated existence. The solution of contemporary Chinese philosophy is to break through the limit of traditional materialism.
Journal of Renmin University of China