两票制是农村基层民主实践的一种制度创新。起先 ,它是应对农村党支部权威危机的偶发产物 ,是党支部建设的一种组织技术 ,随后在解决两委关系的脉络内发展成为一种组合选举模式。文章较为系统地叙述了两票制的形成背景、发展脉络 ,以及从组织技术到选举模式的演变过程。在此基础上 ,讨论两票制对于解决两委关系以及农村基层政权建设所具有的意义。
The Two Ballot System, an institutional innovation in rural China in early 1990s, emerged first as a contingent reaction to the crisis of the legitimacy of Party committee. It then developed into a mode of election, which is expected to resolve the contradictions between village committee and party committee. The author analyzes the background and the process of evolution of the two ballot system from Party organization technique to a model of election, which combines the village self governance with the Party organization construction. The author tries to explore the meanings of the two ballot system for the transformation of leadership in China rural area.
Journal of Renmin University of China