美国等交通发达国家为减少道路交通拥挤程度 ,保护环境质量 ,节约资源 ,往往为载客人数较多的车辆 (HOV)提供道路交通优先权。通过介绍国外城市在HOV优先规划、应用上的经验和教训 ,阐述了在我国目前的发展形式下 ,将HOV优先引入城市交通规划管理是顺利推行我国发展汽车产业政策的需要 ,是实现城市道路可持续发展的需要 ,也是城市用地集约化配置的需要 ;同时指出 。
Developed countries like America often offer the traffic priority for the high occupancy vehicle (HOV) to detract the traffic congestion, protect environment and save resources. By introducing the experiences of HOV planning and practice in foreign countries, this article expounds the necessity and feasibility of applying the HOV priority concept into Chinese traffic planning and management. The author believes this will be of importance for promoting the car industry and seeking the sustainable development of road construction and integrated urban land uses. It is also pointed out that the latest development of intelligent technology for traffic and the urban residential management provide the possibility for the practice of HOV idea in China.
City Planning Review