针对利用恒压驱替实验数据解析计算油水相对渗透率过程中数据拟合难度大的问题 ,首次借鉴 Sarma和 Bentsen拟合恒速驱替实验数据计算油水相对渗透率中使用的多元回归通式 ,经变形后用来处理恒压驱替实验数据 .研究结果表明 ,用这种方法来拟合实验数据不仅可以满足实验规律 ,而且可以提高实验数据的回归质量 。
For calculating the permeability of oil and water,Sama and Bentsen's regression equation,which is used to fit the experimental data of constant velocity displacement is transformed into a new function,and the new function is used for fitting the experimental data of constant pressure displacement.The results of examples in the paper indicate that the new regression function can not only improve the accuracy of fitting results but also conforms to the law of physical experiments,so the calculated relative permeability of oil and water is accurate.\;
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)