本文研究了α-半水石膏的掺量对建筑石膏标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、强度等宏观性能的影响,并且采用SEM和压汞法分析了复合胶凝材料的水化物的形貌和孔结构。结果表明:当α-半水石膏掺量从0%增加至20%时,标准稠度用水量降低了5.6%,初、终凝时间分别延长了2 min和7.5 min,抗折、抗压强度分别提高了58.3%和71.9%。随着α-半水石膏掺量的提升,针棒状水化产物数量减少,短柱状水化产物数量增加,石膏硬化体孔隙率降低,孔径趋于细化。
The effect α-hemihydrate contents on the performance(water demand, setting time and strength) of the composite con-struction plasters was studied. In addition, the crystal morphology of the hydration products and pore structures of the composite plas-ters were analysed by scanning electric microscope ( SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry ( MIP) . The results indicate that the wa-ter demand decreased by 5. 6%, the initial and final setting time increased by 2 min and 7. 5 min respectively, and flexural and com-pressive strength increased by 58. 3% and 71. 9% respectively when the α-hemihydrate contents in the composite plasters increased from 0% to 20% by mass. With the increase of α-hemihydrate content, the hydration products with the short bar shape increased while the needle shape ones decreased, which resulted in decreased porosity and pore size of the plasters.
Journal of Nanyang Institute of Technology