
铝装饰板亮斑产生的原因及其预防措施 被引量:2

The Cause and Preventable Measurement of Sparkling Spot on Aluminium Decorative Laminate
摘要 分析1200铝合金装饰带材冷轧时亮斑形成的原因。通过试验及生产跟踪分析,制订了预防亮斑缺陷的措施,实施了产品质量控制手段和相应的检查方法,使装饰带材的质量和成品率都有较大的提高。 The sparkling spot formation process and cause of1200aluminium alloy decorative laminate during rolling was researched through running after the manufacture and many experiments.However,the measurements of improving this kind of disfigurement and controlling the quality of products were botained.The quality and the ratio of the decorative laminate were improved greatly.
出处 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 2003年第6期21-23,共3页 Light Alloy Fabrication Technology
关键词 铝装饰板 亮斑 质量控制 成品率 夹杂 预防措施 aluminium decorative laminate sparkling spot brittle inclusion particles
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