虫蚊东方鲀(Fugu Vermicularis)除去河豚毒素的肝脏原油(下称除毒肝油),经初步动物实验表明具有一定镇痛和免疫增强作用。因我们过去的实验仅限于对小白鼠各有关免疫功能影响的观察,还不够完善。为进一步了解除毒肝油对免疫功能的作用,我们扩大实验动物种属范围,观察该药对豚鼠、兔、小白鼠多种免疫功能的影响。材料与方法除毒肝油由河北省水产研究所提供。实验用豚鼠、小白鼠及家兔由本院动物饲养室提供。一。
The effect of Fugu liver oil without TTX found in four immunological experiments were observed in three kinds of animals. After administration of 0.2ml/guinea pig S.C once daily for 8 days Fugu liver oil without TTX remarkably enchanced the phygocytic percentage and index of peritoneal exudate macrophages (p<0.05).By means of the acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase staining test,the number and percentage of T-lymphocyte in rabbit showed significant changes,when it was administered with 1.5ml or 1.0ml/rabbit S.C daily for 8 days. The agglutinin titer was also remarkably elevated on the fifth day of immunization.Delayed footpad reaction (Type Ⅳ)in mice was not decreased.These results suggested that Fugu liver oil without TTX had certain immunopotentiation in three kinds of animals.
Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)