
爆炸碎片撞击球罐的数值模拟及影响因素分析 被引量:3

Numerical simulation and influence factors analysis for explosion fragment impacting on spherical tank
摘要 容器爆炸碎片是引发化工园区"多米诺事故"的重要因素。建立了球罐在球体、立方体、圆锥体3种爆炸碎片撞击下的数值分析模型,研究了球罐受到碎片撞击时的动力学响应过程,分析了碎片的形状、速度、入射角、转速及球罐内压等因素对撞击变形的影响。研究表明:罐壁在碎片撞击下产生的位移随碎片撞击速度的增大而增大;在相同工况下,立方体碎片对球罐壁面撞击位移最大,撞击位移随入射角的增大而减小,当入射角大于60°时,碎片对罐壁撞击变形几乎没有影响;碎片自身转速对撞击位移影响较小;球罐罐内压力对球罐最终撞击位移影响较小,仅影响其撞击变形过程。 The explosion fragment of container is an important factor in causing Domino Accident in chemical industrial park.The numerical analysis model of the spherical tank impacted by the three shapes including spheres, cubes and cones were established and the dynamic response process of the spherical tank impacted by fragment was studied.The effect of fragment shape,velocity, incident angle, rotational speed and internal pressure in spherical tank on impact deformation were also analyzed.The results showed that the displacement of tank wall caused by fragment impact increased with the increase of fragment impact velocity.Under the same working conditions, the impact displacement on the spherical tank wall by the cube fragments was the largest.The impact displacement on the tank wall decreased with the increase of the incident angle.When the incident angle was greater than 60°, the fragment almost does not cause impact deformation on the tank wall.The rotational speed of the fragment has no influence on the impact deformation. The influence of the pressure on the final impact displacement of the spherical tank was small,which only affects the impact deformation process.
作者 陈思宇 陈文江 胡兆吉 潘成光 CHEN Siyu;CHEN Wenjiang;HU Zhaoji;PAN Chengguang(School of Resources,Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China)
出处 《南昌大学学报(工科版)》 CAS 2018年第4期324-328,36,共6页 Journal of Nanchang University(Engineering & Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(21576102)
关键词 爆炸碎片 球罐 动力学特性 数值模拟 explosion fragment spherical tank dynamic characteristics numerical simulation
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