目的 探讨非超声乳化隧道切口白内障手术内切口对周边虹膜的影响及眼压的变化。方法 26例27眼老年性白内障进行术后定期随访前房角及眼压。结果 27眼内切口位于Schwalbe线前的透明角膜上。2眼(7.4%)虹膜周边前粘连,12眼角膜后弹力层脱离(44.4%),14眼(51.8%)因黏弹剂残留引起高眼压。结论 通过非超声乳化隧道切口进行白内障人工晶状体植入术观察,周边虹膜前粘连发生率低,应术后严格注意观察眼压,以便及时处理。
Objective To investigate the changes of internal incision and the peripheral iris after cataract surgery through a sutureless tunnel incision . Methods 26 senile cataract cases were followed to observe the changes of their intra-ocular pressure and angle of anterioor chamber after surgery. Results All internal incisions were located at dear cornea anterior to Schwalbe's line. Anterior peripheral synechiae occurred in 2 eyes. Descemet's membrane detachments were detected in 12 eyes. 14 eyes had endophthalmitis because the remain of the viscoelastic material in the eye. Conclusion Peripheral anterior synechiae is relatively low in small incision ECCE. Methods must be taken to improve the result of the surgery and decrease the complication.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries