目的 探讨高龄患者白内障超声乳化吸出折叠式人工晶状体植入术术中前囊环形撕囊、晶状体核乳化的手术方式。方法 对61例(65眼)70~85岁白内障采用前房气泡下前囊环形撕囊,晶状体核原位乳化结合半囊袋内辅助机械压迫乳化并植入折叠式人工晶状体。结果 环形撕囊成功61眼(93.8%),辅助点刺式完成截囊4眼(6.2%)。完成晶状体核乳化65眼(100%),平均乳化时间125.2秒。植入折叠式人工晶状体64眼(98.5%)。术中并发症主要为虹膜损伤1眼,后囊破裂玻璃体脱出改行硬质人工晶状体植入1眼。结论 前房气泡下环形撕囊,晶状体核原位乳化结合半囊袋内辅助机械压迫乳化及折叠式人工晶状体植入是高龄白内障安全有效的手术方式。
Objective To investigate the technique of continuous circular capsulorhexis (CCC) and emulsification of nuclear in phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens (IOL) implantation inadvanced age patients. Methods 61 patients (65 eyes) ,70- 85 years old (average 74.5±4.08y),underwent CCC under air,in situ nuclear emulsification combined with half in-the-bag phacoemulsification with manual pressure,and foldable IOL implantation. Results CCC was successful in 61 eyes (93.8%), and shifted to can-opener capsulotomy in 4 eyes (6.2%). Nuclear emulsification was done in all 65 eyes, with average energy 23.7%, and 125.2 second. Foldable IOL was implanted in 64 eyes (98.5%).The major complication included 1 eye of iris damage and 1 eye of rupture of posterior capsule with vitreous loss. Conclusion CCC under air, in situ nuclear emulsifiction combined with half in-the-bag phacoemulsification with manual pressure is safe, effective and suitable for advananced age patients.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries