通过对挤出机固体输送段物料融解过程的分析 ,提出了通过在螺槽中垫高固体床 ,将熔化的熔融物挤进螺槽内侧的熔池中 ,而在螺槽内侧的熔池保持高度不变 ,从而使物料和熔融物相对分离 。
The melting of polymer caused by friction is an important phenomenon in the plastic injection process. To analyze the melting process, particle element numerical method is adopted in the analysis for this research, where the melting of pellets caused by friction against flight and screw are assumed as friction against adiabatic walls. Based on the method, a new type of screw is designed, in which solid and liquid are relatively separated.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering