软件加密是软件开发者保护其知识产权的有效手段。文中介绍了利用钥匙盘物理损坏扇区位置的标识数据和用户硬盘硬序列号 ,经异或运算后与微狗进行通信 ,并且选取数组标识数据作为加密点嵌入应用程序的方法。着重介绍了不同Windows平台下的软盘物理扇区直接读写的实现。
The computer software encryption is one efficient means for software developers to protect their intellectual asset in the form of patent. The paper introduced a new software encryption method which uses the XOR of the identification data of physical bad sectors location of key soft disk and hard disk serial,which is communicated with Micro dog by API function,and uses the identification data as encryption entry embedded in application. The author gives emphasis to the direct read and write on the soft disk physical sectors on all kinds of Windows platform.
journal of Computer Applications