
关于池塘养鱼的最早记载和范蠡《养鱼经》的问题 被引量:10

Doubts as to the Earliest Historical Record of Piscicultureand the Author of the Guidebook to Pisciculture
摘要 《中国古代动物学史》“中国鱼类学史”部分 ,提出中国是世界上最早从事池塘养鱼的国家 ,其依据是卜辞有“在圃渔” ,圃即池塘。又说范蠡《养鱼经》有 2 40 0年的历史 ,是世界上最早的养鱼专门文献。这两条判断都不能成立。“圃”的甲骨原文作“甫” ,指水草沼泽地 ,不是池塘养鱼。范蠡《养鱼经》不是范蠡所作 ,因书中提到齐威王和范蠡对话 ,但历史上两人并不同代。书中提到鱼塘里放养“神守” ,但秦以前和汉以后的古籍都不见“神守”之名 ,仅见于汉代。《养鱼经》全称《陶朱公养鱼经》 ,陶朱公是后人对范蠡的尊称 ,不可能自己称《陶朱公养鱼经》。此外 ,古今度量衡不同 。 The author argues against two statements in the Chapter of Chinese History of Ichithyology of Chinese Ancient History of Animals: one is that China is the earliest country to engage in pisciculture in fishponds, and the other is that Fan Li is the author of the Guidebook to Pisciculture, the earliest special book on pisciculture in the world, which dates back 2 400. The first statement is presumably based on the phrase “在圃渔”, which was allegedly cited from the oracle inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) on tortoise shells. The Chinese character “圃” is presumed to refer to the pond in a garden. According to studies on the oracle bone inscriptions, “圃” should be “甫” that stands for “a swamp with thriving water grasses”, which was later drained to become a piece of land planted with fruit and vegetables. That is why a square was added around “甫” just like a fence enclosing the garden, thus taking the form of “圃”. In addition, fishes living in swamps with shallow water were wild ones different from those bred in ponds. Therefore, the phrase in the said inscriptions should be “在甫渔” instead of “在圃渔” in regular Chinese script, which came into being much later than the oracle bone inscriptions. “甫”and “圃”had different meanings and could not become interchangeable until afterwards. The second statement cannot be accepted because of, at least, the following four reasons: (1) The Guidebook mentioned a dialogue between King Wei of Qi and Fan Li, which was impossible at all. According to historical records, however, Fan Li was some 100 years older than the king. (2) The guidebook mentioned “鳖”(bie), a kind of soft shelled turtle bred in a fishpond by the name of “神守” (shen shou) . It is true that there were quite a few one character or monosyllabic words meaning “鳖” in pre Qin writings. But there were no two character or disyllabic words like shen shou in any case, which probably appeared during th
作者 游修龄
机构地区 浙江大学图书馆
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期49-54,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 《陶朱公养鱼经》 神守 Revered Tao Zhu's Cuidebook to Psiciculture garden turtle shenshou(another name for a turtle)
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