为了探索职业健康风险评估模型在煤矿职业病危害评价中的应用,选取某大型煤矿5个主要工段的12个主要工序,运用罗马尼亚风险评估模型(Romanian model)和国际采矿与金属委员会风险评估模型(ICMM)对某煤矿进行风险评估并比较2种模型的评估结果的异同。研究结果表明:对于噪声、CO等有毒气体、电焊烟尘这3种职业危害因素,ICMM矩阵法评估为中等风险,定量法评估为不可接受风险,Romanian model评估为4级中等风险水平。对于粉尘造成尘肺病这一风险事件,ICMM矩阵法评估为高风险;定量法评估为不可接受风险;Romanian model评估为5级高风险水平。Romanian model模型的评估结果更能为煤矿企业职业病危险分级防控提供指导。
To explore the application of occupational health risk assessment model in occupational hazards assessment in coal mines,the 12 main processes of 5 main sections in a large coal mine were selected as research object.Risk in the processes was assessed by the Romanian risk assessment model(Romanian model)and the International Council for Mining and Metals Risk Assessment Model(ICMM)and the similarities and differences between the assessment results by the two models were compared.The results showed that for the assessment of occupational hazards of the three occupational hazards,such as noise,CO and other toxic gases and welding fumes,the risk assessed by ICMM matrix method is medium level,assessed by quantitative method is unacceptable risk level,and assessed by the Romanian model is a 4-level medium.For the hazard of dust causing pneumoconiosis,the risk assessed by ICMM matrix method is high-risk level,by quantitative method is unacceptable risk level,and by the Romanian model is a 5-level high-risk level.In a comprehensive comparison,the assessment results of the Romanian model provide a better guidance for the risk classification and prevention of occupational diseases in coal mining enterprises.
YUAN Shujie;JIANG Li;WANG Xiaonan(School of Energy and Safety,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232001,China;Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Coal Mining of the Ministry of Education,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232001,China)
Safety in Coal Mines