目的 探讨感染旋毛虫的沙鼠腓肠肌组织NO的水平及对组织病理变化的影响。方法 用不同剂量的IFN-γ和L-NNA喂饲7d组、25d组及40d组的感染鼠。设阳性及阴性对照组。用硝酸还原酶法测定腓肠肌组织NO量,并观察腓肠肌组织病理变化。结果 IFN-γ促进正常及感染鼠腓肠肌组织NO合成;L-NNA抑制感染后7d、40d组NO合成,却促进感染后25d组NO的合成。NO的升高能减少腓肠肌中旋毛虫幼虫囊包数。结论IFN-γ能促进腓肠肌NO合成;L-NNA在感染后不同时期作用不同;NO能抑制或杀伤旋毛虫幼虫。
Objective To explore the effects of NO levels and pathological changes during Trichinella spiralis infection in gastrocnemius in jirds. Methods Different doses of IFN - 7 and L - NNAwere administrated to jirds infected by T. spiralis in 7d,25d and 40d infected group.Positive and negative control groups were established.To detect the levels of NO production of gastrocnemius of jirds by the nitrate reductase method. To determine gastrocnemius pathology of jirds. Results In gastrocnemius of normal or infected jirds, IFN - 7 had promotion effects on NO synthesis. After giving L - NNA, NO output was inhibited in gastrocnemius of jirds infected by T. spiralis (postinfection 7d and 40d group). While.it was tremendously increased in gastrocnemius of jirds infected by T. spiralis (postinfection 25d group). The quantity of larvaes of T. spiralis were decreased by the highest NO levels. Conclusions IFN -γ could enhance NO prodection. L -NNA showed the inhibition or enhance in NO synthesis of gastrocnemius of jirds infected by T. spiralis. NO could inhibited or killed lavae of T. spiralis .
Journal of Zunyi Medical University