随着科学发展的分支化趋势和综合化趋势的加强 ,各学科之间的交叉性和渗透性达到前所未有的程度 ,在高校科研工作中倡导团队精神已成为必然。由于人的认识往往具有局限性 ,创建富有团队精神科研队伍成员是科研工作自身发展的重要条件 ,亦是追求科研团队的最佳效果 ,提高团队的整体绩效的必由之路。
With the development of branching and integration of the science, all the subjects intermingle and interpenetrate at an unimaginable level. This decides that group spirit becomes necessary in the scientific research in universities. Man's knowledge is always limited, so group spirit can be the important quality of members in the research team with which they develop themselves. The scientific research in universities which want to be an efficient team need advocate group spirit so as to improve the efficiency and performance of the research team.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology