台湾通识教育取得的成就有目共睹 ,但也陷入了深深的现代性困惑之中 :整个社会的工具理性霸权使通识教育的功能变得很柔软 ,而台湾通识教育本身也存在着价值取向、行为取向的偏失以及形式主义思维。“大学复兴”
The achievements obtained through the implementation of general education in Taiwan are obvious. However, general education itself is deeply involved in modern confusion: the instrumental rational hegemony of the whole society has softened the function of general education. Furthermore, there exist deviations in the general education in Taiwan in value orientation and conduct orientation, and formalistic thinking. The university renaissance is the conclusion obtained through reflections on the modern confusion of the general education in Taiwan.
Meitan Higher Education