法官独立审判原则的确立与保障是当前司法改革亟待解决的问题。首先,应当考在立法上明 确法官独立,包括身份、职权和责任的独立,以及保障法官的权利。其次,要提高法官素质,改革 现行法官等级制。包括严格法官任职条件,确立遴选制度;切实实行法官淘汰制;改革、完善现有 的法官培训制度等。
It is an urgent problem for us in the process of current judicial reform that the principle of the independence of trial should be established and strengthened. Firstly, we should clearly provide the independence of judges in legislation, including their status, competence and responsibility, and ensure their rights as judges. Secondly, we should improve the judges' qualifications and change the hierarchy system. Accordingly, we must restrict the qualifications to be a judge, establish the election system, discard the ineligible judges and perfect the institution of the training of judges.
Hebei Law Science