科层制管理模式显现出的缺陷与问题 ,我们将其称为科层现象。分析高校管理中的角色适应的变化、路径依赖的表征、权力运行中的间隔、形式权威的缺陷、组织运转中的危机和不确定性的存在等科层现象 。
Bureaucratic phenomena refer to the defects and problems fraught with the bureaucratic administration model. In the administration of colleges and universities, the bureaucratic phenomena mainly include the changes of roles adapting, dependence of routine methods at work, indirection in power transmitting, defects of fprmal authorities, crises in the operating of organizations and the existence of uncertainty. The analysis of those bureaucratic phenomena is helpful to the improvement and innovation of the administration in colleges and universities.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)