通过文献资料调研及问卷调查等方法 ,对辽宁省普通高校大学生心理健康及参加体育锻炼状况进行分析。结果表明 :辽宁省普通高校大学生心理健康状况好于全国大学生同年龄组水平 ,男生相对好于女生 ,城市相对好于乡村。中等偏上运动量对男生有较好的心理健康效应 ,中等偏下运动量对女生有较好的心理健康效应 ,长期坚持中等运动量的体育锻炼有利于大学生心理健康水平的提高。
By using the method of documentary, data investigati on and questionnaire, this paper makes an analysis on mental health condition an d sports activity for college students in Liaoning province. The result shows th at the mental health condition of college student from Liaoning province is bett er than the one of college students from other parts of China, male students are better than female students, city is better than rural area. The exercise load of medium has better effect on male students mental health, below medium load is good for female students. It is helpful to improve the level of mental health o f college students to persist in physical exercise of medium energy expenditure.
China Sport Science and Technology
中央教科所"十五"规划重点课题<大学生心理健康与体育环境干预的可行性研究>(TWA1 0 0 3)之子课题