
炎症性贫血的诊断与治疗 被引量:10

The diagnosis and treatment of anemia of inflammation
摘要 炎症性贫血(anemia of inflammation,AI)也被称为慢性病贫血,是老年人和慢性病患者最常见的贫血原因之一。AI发病率居贫血发病原因的第2位,仅次于缺铁性贫血[1]。AI与慢性感染、风湿病和癌症等有关,也包括慢性肾性贫血、充血性心力衰竭以及器官移植引起的贫血,老年人特发性贫血常有AI的典型表现,但是否为AI,有待进一步研究。在AI患者中,71%患有急性感染,12%患有癌症,16%患有慢性感染或自身免疫性疾病[2]。 Anemia of inflammation(AI)is also known as anemia of chronic disease.The incidence of AI ranks the second among all the causes of anemia.AI is usually caused by infections,inflammation,tumors,etc.It occurs with slow pace,and characterized as Normocytic normochromic anemia and hypoferremia.The diagnosis of AI is based on patients’ underlying diseases and related laboratory indicators,excluding other sorts of anemia caused by chronic disease at the same time.The primary treatment principle for AI is to treat the underlying diseases.However,transfusion,intravenous iron supplementation and erythropoietin may improve the condition when the primary disease is unclear or difficult to diagnose.Some new treatment strategies have removed the effects of AI in animal models,but not yet approved for being used in humans.
出处 《临床血液学杂志》 CAS 2019年第1期68-71,共4页 Journal of Clinical Hematology
基金 上海市科学技术委员会自然科学基金(No:16ZR1404400)
关键词 炎症性贫血 诊断 治疗 anemia of inflammation diagnosis treatment
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