无脊椎动物[1] 野桑蚕的蛹分别在不同温度下保存处理和用不同方法破碎新鲜蛹细胞处理 ,脊椎动物[1] 长吻的离体肝脏在不同试剂下保存处理。经过处理后的材料分别再用改良的碱变性法[2~ 6 ] 提取mtDNA ,并比较相应处理的mtDNA。研究发现 :这几种处理的材料都能够将其mtDNA提取出来 ,但不同处理的材料线粒体DNA质量有所不同 。
The pupae of Bombyx mandarina, an invertebrate, were stored under different temperatures, or its fresh pupae were fragmented with different methods. The liver of Leiocassis longiristris , a vertebrate, was stored in different reagents. After such pre-treatments, the materials were denatured by a modified alkaline lysis procedure and their mtDNA was extracted. The mtDNA of all the materials studied was successfully extracted, but its quantity and quality varied with treatments. It is concluded that the procedure adopted in the process of extracting animal mtDNA should be decided according to the materials used.
Newsletter of Sericultural Science
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