本研究旨在从DNA水平揭示四川、重庆和贵州地区山羊的母系起源和群体遗传特征.通过对川渝黔地区13个山羊品种(类群)共152个体或序列mtDNA D-loop高变区HVI片段(481 bp)变异的分析,结合13个山羊参考序列(分属于A、B、C、D、F和G单倍群)构建系统进化树和单倍型网络分析以及不同单倍群群体扩张分析,结果表明:152只山羊mtDNA DloopHVI序列被类聚为A和B两个单倍群,其中单倍群B又分化为B1和B2两亚单倍群.从2种单倍群的地理分布特征可以发现,北川白山羊和阿坝藏山羊全部属于单倍群A,而其他山羊品种中单倍群A和B具有不同的分布频率.归并于A和B两个谱系的山羊并没有历经种群扩张.结果提示,川渝黔地区山羊可能起源于A和B两母系遗传谱系,而谱系B虽然分化为B1和B2两支系,但均未历经种群扩张.
The research was aimed to reveal maternal origin and population genetic features of the goat breeds from Sichuan, Chongqing and Guizhou on molecular level. The variations of 152 mtDNA D-loop HV1 fragments of 14 breeds (populations) from these regions were sequenced and analyzed. Phylogenet- ic tree of 152 goat mtDNA D-loop HVI sequences was constructed based on 13 reference sequences of goat mtDNA D-loop HVI (belonged to A, B, C, D, F and G haplogroup). The haplogroup networks were constructed for further analysis of haplogroups and population expansion of each haplogroup were also analyzed, mtDNA D-loop HVI fragments of 152 individuals were converged into A and B haplogroups and haplogroup B diverged into B1 and B2 sub-lineages. As viewed from geographical distributions of haplogroup A and B, All individuals of Beichuan white goat as well as Tibet goat from A'ba re- gion belonged to haplogroup A, while individuals of other breeds were originated from both A and B lin- eages. The goats from Siehuan, Chongqing and Guizhou regions may originate from A and B maternal lineages. All lineages and sub-lineages have not undergone population expansion.
Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)