对大蒜品种及预处理条件对大蒜超临界CO2 萃取效果的影响进行了研究 ,研究结果表明 :在相同的萃取分离条件下 ,以兴平白皮作为萃取原料 ,料理机破碎至 3~ 4mm ,选择加料量为 4 0 0 g ,并添加 2 5g蒜皮 。
This paper studied the effects of garlic variety and preparation condition on the extraction efficiency of supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of garlic.The result showed that in order to increase the extraction efficiency,XingPing BaiPi should be chosen as the extraction garlic raw material.The optimal granularity should be ground to 3~4 mm.In the range of experiment,400 g was the optimal amount of influx.The addition of 2.5 g garlic shruck was also helpful.
Food and Machinery