随着国民经济的转型和高校培养人才轨道与世界的接轨 ,传统高校体育教学已不能适应培养新型高级建设人才的需要。高校体育教学必须从培养目标、教学内容、教学方法、考核内容等进行新课程的改革 ,以适应社会、学校、学生个人的需要。
Since the Chinese domestical economic has being reformed and the colleges are delivering qualified students to be world coherent, the traditional college physical education is not suitable any more to train the college students. The reforms have been taken in the fields of education purpose, teaching contents, coaching methods, examination, etc, in order to meet the requirements of the society, of the college, and of the students themse lves.
Fujian Sports Science and Technology