目的 :分析肺炎性假瘤的临床病理特点 ,并探讨其诊断问题。方法 :回顾性分析 5 2例肺炎性假瘤的临床病理资料。结果 :男女发病比为 2 .2 5∶1,平均年龄 5 0 .6岁 ,平均病程 10 .8个月 ;临床主要表现为咳嗽或咳痰 ,痰中带血或咯血 ,胸痛或背痛 ;影像检查见肿块位于肺周边部 ,单发 ,圆形或类圆形 ;病理检查肿块最大平均直径为 3 .9cm ,见于各肺叶 ,但右肺多于左肺 ,双上肺多于双下肺 ,44 .2 %同侧肺门淋巴结因反应性增生而肿大 ;经系统抗炎、抗结核治疗 ,肺肿块影均无改变 ,手术切除可治愈。结论 :肺炎性假瘤有其特点 ,可与肺癌、肺结核、肺炎相区别 ;确诊仍需病理活检 ;CT或超声引导经皮活检值得推广 ,并应重视电视胸腔镜在诊治中的作用。
Objective:To analyze clinical pathologic characteristics of pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor, and study its diagnosis. Methods:Clinicopathologic data of 52 cases were analyzed retrospectively.Results:Cough,expectoration, bloody sputum or hemoptysis, and chestpain or backache were primary clinical symptoms of patients. The lumps were located in peripheral portions of lungs. The masses were single, round or ovoid shape in X-ray examination. The maximumaverage diameter of these was 3.9cm. Pathologically the lumps were usually be found inany lobe of the lung, but more commenly in right and upper lobe. Homolateral hilum of lung lymphnodes became enlarged due to inflammatory proliferation in 44. 2% cases. There were no changes in size of lumps by anti-inflammation or anti-tubercule therapy. The patients were cured by operation resection. Conclusions: The pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor is different from lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumonia because of its distinguishing characteristics, the examination of biopsy is necessary for its final diagnosis. Biopsy by CT or ultrasound bootstrap is worthy to be extended and the role of tele-thoracoscopy in diagnosis and treatment is recommended.
China Journal of Modern Medicine