Although the rise and development of senior tourism market to great degree meets the demands of seniors'tourism, because of the restriction of the factors such as action inconvenience,psychological,mental and economic barriers,it is impossi-ble for those special seniors to go travelling.However,with the technology of virtual reality (VR)and the rapid development of network technology,they can realize the dream of traveling through virtual tourism without moving.The paper breaks through the traditional research perspective,based on the foundation of previous researchers,combined with “push and pull”theory,by the means of questionnaire survey and interviews,analyzes the demographic characteristics of senior citizens,push factors and pull factors of virtual tourism,and the seniors'motivation in the virtual tourism,gets push motivation and pull motivation of senior vir-tual tourism.Meanwhile,the paper aims to explore the need and possibility of senior citizens to participate in virtual tourism,to point out the social significance of virtual tourism on senior citizens.The paper intends to provide suggestions for the deep develop-ment of virtual tourism designed for senior citizens,at the same time,to arouse further humanistic concern about senior citizens from all walks of life.
2015年第3期58-62 81,81,共6页
Tourism Research
virtual tourism
the old
'push and pull' theory
humanistic concern