应用数值模拟方法 ,分析了疏松型超导螺线管电流轴线外的磁场与螺距、长宽比、管内位置的变化关系 .计算结果表明 ,当螺距较大时 ,其磁场分布与密绕螺线管电流的磁场 (均匀磁场 )分布相差很大 ,磁场在空间各个方向都有分量 ,螺距越大 ,长宽比越小 ,垂直于轴线方向的磁场分量越大 ;但当螺距较小 ,长宽比较大或距螺线管中心较近处 ,磁场几乎与密绕螺线管电流产生的磁场相当 。
In order to analyse the relation of magnetic field distribution out of the axis of a loose helical current with the thread pitch, ratio of length to wide and seat in tube, the method of numerical simulation is adopted. The computing result shows that there is a great difference between the magnetic fields caused by sparse spiral tube and close. But, when the pitch is relatively small or at the farther position away from the helical coil center, the magnetic field has a similar distribution as the close spiral tube coil and can be nearly expressed with a simple formula of the close spiral tube current.
Journal of Gansu University of Technology