日本的民族主义在近代曾恶性膨胀 ,脱离了理性的轨道 ,最终走上了军事扩张的歧路 ,给世界人民带来了深重的灾难。令世人忧虑的是 ,自日本成为世界第二大经济强国后 ,随着内外形势的变迁 ,日本社会又滋长了一股强劲的“新民族主义”浪潮 ,对日本国的社会走向与对外关系必将产生重大影响。
Nationalism in Japan had a galloping expansion in the modern times, which was divorced from the rational track and ultimately fell to a military aggrandizement. When Japan became the second economically powerful country around the world, a strong tide of 'New Nationalism' engendered in Japanese society, and would inevitably make a great influence on the trend of Japanese state society and external relations.
Yinshan Academic Journal