
否弃集体作者观——民间文艺版权难题的终结 被引量:52

Abandoning the Notion of Collective Authorship:The End of the Problem of Folk Literature Copyright
摘要 对民间文学艺术版权的传统保护以集体作者观作为核心论点。当代民间文学艺术保护热潮背后有文化民族主义的情感支撑。在其影响下,文艺学者刻意区分民间文学与作家文学,建构民间文学所谓“集体性”;法律学者在此基础上进一步虚构所谓集体创作机制、集体作者观;部分学者借用结构主义文学理论、批评个人主义作者观,为民间文学的集体产权观铺路。然而,这种民间文学艺术领域的集体作者观歪曲了著作权法的发展方向。版权法应该放弃集体作者观,而赋予传承人以作者身份,将民间文学艺术作品视为普通作品,按照普通的个人作品加以保护,才能最终解决民间文学的版权难题。 The traditional protection of the copyright of folk literature is based on the notion of collective authorship. The upsurge of folk literature protection is pushed by the emotion of cultural nationalism. Influenced by it, the hterary scholars painstakingly make differences between folk hterature and artist literature, and construct the so called collectivity of folk literature, upon which the legal scholars further invent the collective inditement mechanism and collective authorship notion. Some scholars pave the way for the collective property fight on folk literature by borrowing the structuralist literature theory and criticizing the individualist authorship notion. However the collective authorship notion in the folk literature field distorts the developing direction of copyright law. The notion of collective authorship should be abandoned. It is taking the folk literature as ordinary productions that can ultimately resolve the problem of protecting the copyright of folk literature.
作者 崔国斌
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期67-78,共12页 Law and Social Development
关键词 集体作者观 文化民族主义 集体性 结构主义作者观 个人作品 传承人 the notion of collective authorship cultural naturalist collectivity the stmcturalist notion of authorship the personal production the inheritor
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